The Ultimate Blowjob Tips You Have To Try

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Giving a blowjob is an amazing way to pleasure your partner and show how much you care. Whether it’s part of a smorgasbord of sexual activities or the sole focus of your session, you want to ensure you’re doing it right. Even if you think you’re a pro, you might discover something to elevate your skills if you keep reading!

Build Up Tension


Few people would argue if you grabbed them by the belt and dropped to your knees. But buildup can make any sexual activity more tantalizing. To master the art of tease, you need to get your partner’s body and mind on board, and this starts far before anyone takes off their clothes. In fact, you don’t even need to be in the same room or building!


Try sexting and include a sexy photo if you feel comfortable. When your partner opens their phone to see a photo of you with your lips wrapped around a sex toy and the caption that you can’t wait to do it in person, they’ll definitely get the message. Of course, you don’t have to focus on blowjobs specifically, but who doesn’t love a giving partner?



As you depart for work, let your partner know that you’ve got sexy plans for when you’re together again that evening. You could also share some erotica (perhaps written by you) or a link to your favorite sexy movie scene to let your partner know what you’ve been thinking about.


Whether desire has been stirring all day or you spontaneously plan to kindle it, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to when you’re with your partner. For example, when you’re out and about, lean in close and ask if you can suck their cock when you get home (just be prepared for your outing to end prematurely!).


Already at home? Brush your hands over your partner’s crotch while they’re dressed. You can play it off as an accident–or not. It all depends on how direct you want to be. A gentle caress of your partner’s penis easily segues into unzipping or pulling down their pants to gain access to their cock. Or you can move between their legs to get their attention and access to their penis.


If you leave their underwear on, you can lick and move your mouth to stimulate them through the fabric, but you’ll eventually free their cock. Before you bring your mouth close to the penis, trail kisses down their “treasure trail” from their belly to just above their penis. Kiss, sick, or lick their sensitive inner thighs as your hands caress their hips.

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Then, lean over their cock, perhaps letting your hair slightly graze them. A sultry “Mmm” sound ensures that you’re enticing more than one sense. You can even lightly exhale across their dick. Remember, the wider your mouth, the warmer your breath.


By this point, your partner may be begging for you to make contact. If you really want to tease them, consider binding their hands, so they have no choice but to take it! You can tie them together behind your partner’s back or connect them to something else to prevent them from pushing your head down.


Speaking of bondage, placing a blindfold on your partner at any point during the teasing process can be incredibly effective. With their sense of sight blocked, they’ll have to rely on their other senses, which can heighten anticipation as you take your time.

Make First Contact

Try a quick kiss to continue the teasing. When you’re done making your partner wait, use your tongue. Start with a lick along the underside of the shaft from base to tip before you take the head into your mouth and gently suck on it. The head of the penis is usually the most sensitive part, and the frenulum, specifically on the underside of the head (where the ridge comes together), is especially sensitive.

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Is your partner uncut with their foreskin? Although you can suck a cock over the foreskin, it usually doesn’t do much for the lucky recipient of your blowjob. Softly pull back the foreskin for better access to the head of their cock. However, let it return to its natural position occasionally to prevent them from becoming oversensitive!


There’s plenty to do with your tongue, including tapping, flicking, and swirling. You can keep it flat, use the pointed tip, or curl it. The tongue is a powerful muscle, after all! Running your tongue under the edge of the foreskin will also blow your partner’s mind.


One of the main moves of a blowjob involves bobbing your head up and down on your partner’s shaft. This stimulates more of the penis while covering it with your saliva, too. Make sure to switch it up with other blowjob tips here.


When it comes to the actual bobbing, you can curl your tongue around your partner’s shaft or drag the tip of your tongue along the length of their penis while you use your mouth. Both of these things might be easier if your partner’s penis doesn’t take up too much room in your mouth.

Avoid Discomfort

Many people dislike feeling teeth on their penises, but some don’t. If your partner isn’t a fan, wrap your lips around your teeth to prevent unwanted contact.

Blow It

You might think that “blowjob” isn’t a literal term but think again. When your partner’s cock is wet with your spit, gently blow across the surface with your lips tight, which will feel cool. Cooling lubes, some of which are flavored, create similar sensations

Use Lube

Lube is great for ensuring everything remains slick and slippery. Flavored lubes are also a godsend if blowing your partner isn’t your favorite activity. A delicious flavored lube makes going down on a penis tolerable–or even enjoyable!


You can also check out sensation lubes like the cooling ones mentioned above. Warming lubes are another great option, although they may not all taste great.

Finally, if giving a blowjob while using condoms, applying a dab of lube inside the condom before putting it on increases sensation.

Suck It

Seal your lips around your partner’s shaft or use your tongue to create suction, especially as you pull your head back.

Use Your Hand

Chances are, you already use your hands when giving a blowjob, even if you’re not aware of it. Placing your hand at the base of your partner’s penis offers stability. You can also stroke the shaft while you focus on the head of the penis with your mouth, which might be all you can do if your partner is particularly well endowed (or your mouth is smaller). And if your jaw becomes sore, concentrate on stroking while taking a breather to give it a rest.

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Hands are also important if your partner is intact. You can slide it the foreskin back and forth across the head of their penis, which feels great. Of course, using your mouth to move their foreskin back and forth is even hotter! Another idea: pull your partner’s foreskin back with your hand as you pull your cock off their mouth.

Make Eye Contact

Yes, it can be a little over-the-top in porn, but making eye contact while giving a blowjob is a timeless and powerful move. It shows your confidence and signals that you’re enjoying yourself. You don’t have to lock eyes the entire time, either. Simply look up occasionally. And if you happen to catch your partner with eyes closed and a rapturous look on your face, you’ll know you’re doing a good job.


Some of us can’t help but moan when a cock is in our mouths. Aside from showing enthusiasm, doing so when you’re giving a blowjob creates another sensation (it’s why humming is another great blowjob tip). If you really want something to moan about and you’ve got the job handled with a single hand and your mouth, use your other hand to stimulate yourself. Your partner will almost certainly find the sight stimulating.


Deep Throat

Deep throating isn’t always possible, especially if your partner has a large penis, your mouth is small, or your gag reflex is strong–or all three! Numbing products might help, but the key is to relax. Lying down or with your head hanging over the edge of the bed might make deep-throating easier.

Include the Balls

The balls are plenty sensitive when you give them attention. Massage them while you give oral attention to the penis. Remember, the testicles sit inside the scrotum, which you can stretch. The balls move a bit, and your partner might enjoy a little tug. But being too rough with the balls can cause injury.


When it comes to using your mouth, lick or gently suck the skin of the sack into your mouth. Some people like it when you softly graze their scrotum with your teeth or gently nibble, but you definitely want to talk with your partner about this before you do it just in case they’re not willing.

Add Prostate Stimulation

Speaking of things you absolutely must talk about before you do them, prostate play opens new avenues of sexual exploration, but not everyone is interested in it. You see, the prostate is a sensitive, walnut-shaped orgasm located within the anus. You can access it through anal penetration or by rubbing the perineum–the area between the balls and anus that some people know as the “taint.”


However, you don’t want to surprise your partner with prostate stimulation if they prefer to prepare mentally or physically beforehand. Once you’ve talked about it and your partner is down, you could rub their taint or around the anus, insert a finger or toy, or even use an insertable toy. Several are designed specifically for prostate stimulation, but a curved dildo does the trick–as long as it has a flared base to prevent it from getting lost


Erections may come and go during prostate play, so don’t worry if your partner isn’t always hard. Make it into a challenge to get them hard again with your mouth!

Try a Vibrator

Yes, you could use a vibe on yourself while going down on your partner, which would be pretty hot. But you can also use one on your partner. Try holding it against the balls, shaft or head. Can you fit a toy and cock in your mouth at the same time? If not, hold the toy against your cheek when your partner’s dick is in your mouth. They even make tongue vibrators to use when you blow someone.

Switch It Up

Variety is the spice of life–and sex. When moving your head, experiment with different speeds. You might start off slowly and get faster to bring your partner to orgasm or speed up and back off if you’re a fan of edging.


Similarly, switching between techniques keeps your partner on your toes as long as you give them enough time to enjoy each of the techniques and don’t make it your goal to do everything every time! And if your goal is orgasm and your partner needs consistency to reach it, reconsider changing from successful moves.

Finish It

Once your partner is close (their breathing and body language are cues), know whether you’ll spit or swallow. Spitting can actually leave cum in your mouth for longer, while swallowing gets rid of it quickly. But you get to decide what you want to do.


Remain consistent or increase the intensity, depending on your partner’s needs. You can hold your mouth over their cock as they finish or pull away. Having a towel or tissue on hand makes spitting easier. Keep a glass of water to rinse your mouth or a trash can to toss the condom.


The tips above will help you give a stellar blowjob. Just make sure to pay attention to your partner’s response as not everyone likes the same things sexually (and your partner might not always want the same thing out of a blowjob). This will help.